Tyler and I walked the block of Hutchinson square where our boutique relocated back in July 2019. These past 8 months have been a whirlwind, but definitely a blessing. God brought us the opportunity of a better location, and within weeks we moved. It has been amazing and such a fun journey. This area usually looks like something from a Hallmark movie, but lately it is anything but.
Covid-19 has taken over the news, the internet, and most conversations. It has taken away anything we considered normal. We are several weeks into this pandemic and the US is seeing some of it's hardest times ever.
With this disease so rapidly spreading we decided the best and safest measure was to temporarily close our boutique. It was not a decision we thought we would have to make, but these times are not something we expected. I don't think anyone has seen anything like this. It is almost unimaginable. The heartbreak that comes with this disease and the lives lost are something I never thought we would witness. It is definitely a wake up call on so many levels. I think these times have made many of us realize the things that truly matter.
I don't know what the next several weeks will hold. I don't even know what tomorrow will hold, but I do know who holds tomorrow! I know that I am going to trust in my Savior through this. I am going to lean on Him for understanding. I am going to pray that He leads us on whatever path we should be on. I pray for our world. I pray for all those who are affected by this. I pray that things get better soon. I hope we will be able to open the boutique again soon! I know there are several other things that I am looking forward to doing. God is calling me out of my comfort zone, and I am finally going to listen. I pray that if you are reading this you know that God has plans for you too! Trust Him!