
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Life's Little Twists and Turns : Not so great news...

I had several posts planned for this week and next, but I don't know what is in store for us. I have so many plans and goals for this year and am determined to make a change in my life! It seems like every time I think things are going in the right direction they take a turn. Today that happened again.

As most of you already know my husband was pinned under a car a few weeks ago and my son and I lifted the car to free him. The doctors said if I would have been any longer he would have died. His luck hasn't really improved.

Early this morning my husband was headed home on I26 when an 18 wheeler crossed over into his lane causing him to smash into the concrete barrier on the overpass. It was raining so when he hit the barrier if spun the car completely around across two lanes and finally stopped, but not before his head smashed through the windshield.

I was in shock when I found out and rushed to the hospital. Praise God he is ok. He has head trauma and of course is quite banged up, but the doctors think he will be fine. I have to watch him closely for the next 24 hours and he has to be woken up every 2 hours to make sure there is no internal bleeding. God truly had his hand on our family again today.

Last year there were two close calls. First the wreck in July when my sister was driving and then when the car crushed Tyler. This year just started and has shaken all of us up again. My anxiety level is through the roof, but I thank my lucky stars things weren't worse.

Sometimes no matter what your plans things change. That's just life's little twists and turns. I am constantly reminded of how blessed we are and how God is always watching out for us. Tyler is so lucky to be alive right now, and I'm lucky to have him.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far.




  1. Thank God that your husband is going to be okay. I'm so sorry your family is having to deal with so much. I do believe that God never gives us more than we can handle. Keep the faith! I'll say a little prayer for your family tonight.


  2. So sorry to hear of this latest accident :( Thanks to God that he will be ok and prayers and well wishes for his speedy recovery!


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