
Monday, July 16, 2012

Fashion Faux Pas: A Few on My List

While running errands today I noticed a few fashion don'ts that I wanted to share! I don't normally write about the don'ts, but I think I might just start. Here they are in no particular order.

1) Too tight/not properly fitting pants with visible panty lines.
 I'm not talking about the panty lines on the side either. I think it is GROSS when people wear pants that are so extremely tight that the seam from the cotton lining in the crotch shows through the back of the pants.

2) Wearing a Mini dress/skirt and not knowing how to sit like a lady!
 I was at the dentist office with my kids this morning and could not believe this lady. This is a children's dentistry, so please explain why she is wearing this uber short floral mini dress? She plopped down on one of the seats and proceeded to pull her legs up in the chair and sit in a half Indian style position. Um lady, everyone can see your crotch. Gross.

3) Children not dressing appropriately/dressing provocatively.
Again today at the dentist a girl (probably 13 or so) came flaunting herself out the office door with skin tight jeans and a super low cut shirt. Her tatas were completely hanging out of her shirt. Her attitude was not much better. I don't understand why her parent/parents let her out of the house like that. She was proud in her choice of attire and that was obvious because she was trying to exude some kind of flirty persona, walking with the intention of keeping her chest pushed out as far as she could. I only noticed because that was not the walk of your average little girl or pre-teen. This wasn't funny at all, and it actually made me sad. I just wish this child had someone to guide her in a better direction.

This is just a few on my list of Fashion Faux Pas. I have quite a few opinions, but please keep in mind they are my opinions! Not everyone may agree with my views on this or any subject I post about. I hope everyone had a wonderful and productive Monday.

What fashion faux pas are on your list of don'ts? I would love to hear!



  1. Omg!!! love this post!! so true!! and that first pic made me laugh so hard!!!

    1. Haha. It drives me nuts! I had to run to the mall after I posted this and what did I see as soon as I walked in??? A girl in these tight khaki booty shorts and sure enough there was the line! LOL!

  2. This is hilarious! I completely agree about kids not dressing appropriately for their age!

  3. Oh my God! So true, every single word!!! Sometimes I just wonder what people dressed like that think of themselves... I would also add evening makeup -or in any case, too much makeup- during the day or on a casual outfit, too short cut-offs and the flab all jiggling around... things like that just disgust me. Others, like seeing a pre-teen girl dressed and painted like a slut, just make me sad and I wonder what her parent(s) think or if they even notice...

    1. Thanks for your comment! I agree about the makeup too! I just want to sit them down and ask them what they are thinking sometimes lol!


Thanks for your sweet comments! They are much appreciated, and I love reading every single one of them!