
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Week In Instagram Photos

Here is yet another week via Instagram photos! Below are the details!

1) Shocking Seas Zebra mani  2) My pj's  3) Mitten's the kitten  4) My leopard print clipboard  5) jewelry  6) A few of my makeup brushes 7) Me  8) Penny  9) My shoes  10) A wall in my room  11) Mom's dog Speckles  12) Another of my mani's  13) My boys  14) Me and Ty  15) Sweet Tea  16) Chicken Sandwich  17) Evan's b-day cake from Smokey Bones  18) Evan  19) My friend Sean's book at the library 20) My wrist 21) My purse.

PS: If you haven't already read this legal thriller you need to! The Trust by Sean Keefer is a perfect beach read sure to keep you interested! You won't be able to put this down until you read the very last page! Visit for more details and where to pick up your copy!



  1. AH! Are you a dachshund lover?! I love love love love love love love dachshunds. =)

    Keep Shining,

  2. your little pups are cute!

    ♥ ThankFifi

    p.s. thanks for your sweet comment on my post.x

  3. Love the purple and white mani. So cute :D

    And I'll be sure to check that book out; I've been looking for some new summer reading material.

    Castle Fashion


Thanks for your sweet comments! They are much appreciated, and I love reading every single one of them!