
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Weight and Wellness Wednesday | Week One

weight and wellness
I finally made up my mind that it is time to get healthy and really focus on my choices. I have a bad habit of eating the wrong foods at the wrong times and in the wrong portions. I made the decision that it was time to do something about this. I want to lose weight and get healthy, but I also want to learn to make better choices and make a permanent change. This isn't about dropping weight rapidly or finding a quick fix. In order to do this I need to make lifestyle changes.

I thought that I would start a series on Wednesdays dedicated to weight and wellness. This will be an inside look at my own journey in addition to tips, recipes, and incites to help others. I am one of those people who start these things full of motivation, but later let it dwindle down. I thought posting weekly about my progress, goals, and tips would help me stay accountable. 

I am starting this journey weighting more than I have in my life. I am not happy about my weight or the way I feel. I have gained lose to 60 pounds since I married my husband. I can't say that I was at an ideal weight when we married either, but I do know that I felt much better several pounds ago.

I am setting a goal of losing 67 pounds. When I achieve that I will reevaluate and see if I need to lose more or if I am comfortable at that weight. I know this is not going to be an easy process. Losing weight never really is. It is always so much easier to gain than lose. 

I decided that first I needed to find something to help me make healthier choices. I know there are several programs and diets, but I wanted something that has been proven to work. I decided to go with Weight Watchers. I have seen so many people I know concur their weight with this program and it has taught them about their choices. I am not telling you that this is what you should pick, but it is my plan. I signed up Monday.

My weigh in days will be every Monday. I am going to do my very best to stay off the scale throughout the rest of the week. There is no reason to keep hopping on a scale every single day. I think once a week is good. I am also going to make sure that I am more active than I have been in the past. It is time to get moving! 

I can't say I am a fan of exercise, but at this point I realize that it is necessary. This weight won't lose itself. It is going to be a combination of healthier choices and activity! I am excited about this journey and I hope you will be too. This will be a regular feature on the blog every Wednesday, so make sure you stay tuned for progress! I will start uploading pictures of this journey too. I have always been a fan of seeing others as they go through their journey! 

Love and Hugs as always!!